Is the inside of your computer full of cobwebs and creepy crawlies? While they make great decorations with Halloween almost here, cobwebs belong on your porch and not inside the PC!
Over time computers get full of junk, both physically and digitally, but luckily Level Seven Computers is here to help. Bring your system by today where we can perform our Optimization service which will include some of the benefits below:
Physical cleaning of the unit to help cooling
Check for hardware errors before they cause problems
Deletion of temporary files and folders to free up space
Removal of unwanted startup programs to speed things up
Scan for virus/malware threats to make sure you’re safe
With everyone working online these days we know being without your computer is more limiting than ever before, but at Level Seven our extremely FAST turn around time can usually get your system back to you within one business day so you can get back to doing what you do!
You can find us at 48th and Vine right next to Popeye’s Chicken, Monday through Friday from 10am to 6pm and Saturday from 10am to 2pm.