Does this screen look familiar to you? If so, you are not alone. We have seen a giant influx of computers coming in recently with Windows 10 Update troubles. In a short period of time, Windows began rolling out the Fall Creators Update, as well as many patches to fix the Meltdown/Spectre Intel & AMD processor vulnerabilities.
To potentially help you save yourself some time and headaches, we have a few tips you can try to decrease your odds of running into Windows update troubles:
1 – Manually tell Windows to update so you know when updates are happening.
2 – Close all other programs before starting & while doing Windows updates.
3 – Temporarily disable your antivirus protection to prevent interference.
4 – Be patient. Some updates can take several hours to install.
Following the above tips should give you a fighting chance to safely install the latest updates, but should you run into problems, please don’t hesitate to stop by or give us a call at (402) 261-0851.